
Best PPC Management

Create, launch, and optimize Google search & shopping campaigns to drive more traffic to your business.

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Create & Optimize PPC Campaigns

  • Create custom Search campaigns in a fraction of a time.

  • Use a keyword planner to find new keywords.

  • Manage bids based on keyword search volumes.

  • Create and manage an infinite number of ad groups.

best ppc management

PPC Campaigns

Create an effective strategy to improve internet and social networking and campaigns that drive traffic to your website.

ppc campaigns
keyword generator

Keyword Generator

Generate new keywords with a single word or phrase. Negatives can be included or removed.

campaign creation

Campaign Creation

Create marketing campaigns to start rising brand recognition just with a few clicks.

build ad groups

Build Ad Groups

Generate different ad groups for better high search volume keywords, get data-driven recommendations.

manage ad copies

Manage Ad Copies

Describe your product and target customer preferences to increase organic traffic.

Find out more about PPC Campaigns

Keyword Planner

Get the most relevant keywords for your PPC campaigns and drive more traffic to your website.

keyword planner
keyword converge

Keyword Converge

Make a lot of new search terms with one single phrase. Examine keyword clickability and analyze.

keyword manager

Keyword Manager

Evaluate keywords that are required or not. Add or remove key phrases to get the best results.

domain analytics

Domain Analytics

Add a website URL and see who ranks higher for the most popular keywords in your market segment.

keyword cluster

Keyword Cluster

Categorize a large volume of keywords and group them for PPC to upgrade your advertising results.

Find out more about Keyword Planner

Multiple Ad Groups

Organize keywords that are frequently used in ad campaigns and divide ad groups into the various product or service types you sell.

multiple ad groups
customised ad groups

Customised Ad Groups

Design advertisements that are closely relevant divide your keywords into distinct groups that are strongly related.

customized bidding

Customized Bidding

Create custom bids to assign principles to various tasks like clicks and purchases and enhance the effectiveness of a campaign.

add keywords

Add Keywords

Make an ad group out of key terms that are similar to your business. Execute an ad for each keyword saved in the ad group.

Find out more about Multiple Ad Groups

Ad Copies

Highlights the most important features of your product and communicates them to potential purchasers in a way your customers can relate to.

ad copies
go creative

Go Creative

Using a single seed keyword generates millions of keyword combinations and identifies which ad is the winner.

ad preview

Ad Preview

Increase your ad revenue by attracting attention and encouraging people to click on a link, article, image, or video to a certain web page.

custom combination segment

Custom Combination Segment

Create advanced segments based on your existing data segment choices to target a specific set of visitors to your website.

Find out more about Ad Copies

Bid Management

Analyze millions of data, and visualize them to help you set bids based on performance. Optimize Bidding targets to design bid rules that keep you in control.

bid management
smart bidding

Smart Bidding

Utilize smart bidding to analyze conversions and ad performance based on the maximum and minimum bids for that specific keyword.

default bidding

Default Bidding

Apply the target cost to all search terms in an ad group that does not have an independent bid price. This bid specifies how much the advertiser is ready to pay for each ad click.

manual bidding

Manual Bidding

Set the maximum amount to pay for each click. Use manual bidding to direct the advertising budget toward targeted keywords and raise conversions.

Find out more about Bid Management

Competitor Analysis

Examine the competitive pressure for a particular keyword and use that keyword to drive targeted traffic.

competitor analysis
competitor ad analysis

Competitor Ad Analysis

Examine competitor ads to see which keywords are driving traffic to their websites. Develop a strategy to perform better than competitors and increase your sales volume.

competitor ad copies

Competitor Ad Copies

Evaluating competitors' ad copy can reveal a lot about what is and isn't working. Make use of this data to improve ad campaigns and outperform the competition.

competitor keyword analysis

Competitor Keyword Analysis

Examining your competitors' ads and finding out which keywords they are targeting to drive traffic to their websites, use them in ads to outrank your competitors.

Find out more about Competitor Analysis

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